Our Mission

Half a Million Kids (HMK) is a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to foster and trafficked children. 

There are nearly 500,000 children in the U.S. Foster Care System due to neglect, abuse, and/or abandonment through no fault of their own.

Our mission is to place every child eligible for adoption into a safe, permanent, loving home through our results based 3-Phase Plan.

 We intend to return foster care to its original purpose, a short-term safety net for kids awaiting reunification with their birth family or another permanency outcome.
 We aim to support caseworkers and will revolutionize the group home setting for those children who need to remain in foster care.

We started with a commitment to foster children and have come to learn of the intersection of these children with the child sex trafficking industry. We have integrated into our mission a commitment to end child sex trafficking born out of the child welfare system and will blunt one of the major pipelines for traffickers and keep these children safe.


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