State-By-State Statistics

*This interactive map was created by Half a Million Kids using resources graciously provided by Child Welfare League of America (CWLA). We extend our heartfelt gratitude to CWLA for granting us permission to use their materials. Their invaluable resources have allowed us to provide this tool to better serve our community. Please note that while this map reflects our best efforts, the original content and data remain the intellectual property of CWLA and are used here with their consent. For further inquiries about the source materials, please contact CWLA directly.

Copyright © Child Welfare League of America

There are roughly 3,400 foster children eligible for adoption in the greater Philadelphia region

13-15,000 children are currently in foster care and part of the child welfare system in PA, as of 2020 data

30% of children in foster care in Pennsylvania are between ages 1-5

On average, 1,100 PA youth “age out” of foster care or leave the system at 18 or older. One in four PA youth who “age out” of the system, experience homelessness, struggle with mental health challenges such as depression, substance abuse and anxiety disorders

Most children enter foster care as a result of abuse or neglect. Roughly 4,300-6,000 children and youth are in foster care at any given time in Philadelphia and approximately 1,600 are eligible for adoption

Pennsylvania Foster Care


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