Phase 2

There is currently a case manager and social worker deficit. Case managers and social workers are often underpaid and without the proper tools and resources to effectively do their job. They are often overwhelmed by their caseloads and the volume of work required to support the children they need to serve.

Case managers and social workers suffer from burnout and lose their passion because the broken system stays the same and they are unable to make the impact they had hoped for.

Empower Social & Case Works

To prevent children from entering foster care, we want to decrease and prevent kids from entering the system and give the army of warm-hearted social workers the role they originally studied for: the role of supporting families versus becoming placement officers.

Back to Basics

In Phase 2, we aim to transform the role of the social worker into a more preventative role, versus a reactive role. Phase 2 has an emphasis on the training and development of social workers, as well as providing new modern tools and resources.

This renewal will be fueled by innovative empowerment models and modern training programs that support the expansion of organizations that successfully work directly with families on poverty, neglect, behavioral issues, substance abuse, and the myriad of reasons children are removed from the home.

We will offer training opportunities and support the further development of social and case workers to master skills and be more empowered to care for the children, individuals and families they serve. 

Train to Transform


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