Unfortunately, there are very high incidents of abuse and neglect in the foster care system. While children are often removed from their home for those very reasons and through no fault of their own, they then enter a system where all too often the abuse and neglect remains.


 A report completed by the New Jersey Office of Child Advocacy included a study that demonstrated the relationship of the perpetrator of abuse to the victim. Of the child cases studied, 37.4% of perpetrators were institution staff, 36.5% were foster parents, and 20% were relatives of the victim. Source

72% of verified foster abuse victims were 10 years old or younger. Source

1/3 of foster children reported abuse by a foster parent or another adult in the home. Source

Children in foster care are 4x more likely to be sexually abused than their peers not in this setting, and children in group homes are 28x more likely to be abused. Source

The Statistics


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